Meet Lorena: Manhattan based designer, writer and founder of traveldesignery.com, a kaleidoscopic collection of findings from Lorena's wanderings around the globe. I've been swooning over the Travel Designery since starting Wandering Threads last year, due to our shared obsession for all things travel/design related. So, since our blogs have so much in common I thought all you WT readers would love to learn a little bit about lovely Lorena, her life as a designer and, most importantly her top tips for seeking out the best travel spots around the world!

Your blog's called Travel Designery so I'm guessing you travel and you design? But what sort of design is it that you actually do?
I'm a graphic designer so I work on all kinds of creative for beauty, magazine, and fashion companies. A few years ago I got into jewellery making for myself at first, but then friends and coworkers were interested in purchasing some of my pieces. Currently, I freelance for a knitwear company.
You've just celebrated your blogs first birthday! Yey! But how was the Travel Designery conceived?
I had seen such interesting things and been to so many beautiful places and I wanted a somewhere to share it. People would always ask me about my travels and love to look at all the photos I'd taken so I figured that a blog was a good medium. I want to inspire people to go out and experience the world, otherwise, you've only read one page in the book!

You seem to have traveled to the deepest depths of, well, everywhere! Firstly, which was your favorite travel destination and secondly, what was your most inspiring design related trip?
Well, I still haven't made my way to Asia or Australia! Soon, hopefully! I have 3 top favorites, it's a toss up, but they're all so different. Jordan, Cuba, and Iceland are just beyond and must be experienced for yourselves. The best design related trip so far would be either Paris because it really renewed an old interest in art and painters, or Istanbul because the architecture, patterns, and Ottoman tinged decor are so gorgeous!
Wandering Threads is obsessed with ethnic design and traditional culture. Any particular favorites in these categories?
My absolute favorite kind of ethnic design, particularly for interiors, decor, and jewellery is from India and Morocco. I just love the colors and embellishments, they are so beautiful. I go crazy with that type of stuff!

What are your top five travel destinations for design junkie wanderers?
Which essential items always go with you in your Travel Designery suitcase?
Ballet flats for walking, a scarf/wrap, jeans with stretch that go from day to night, a pair of heels, and a camera that can easily fit in my back pocket or clutch.
And finally, any top tips for other wandering bloggers?
Look for deals! TravelZoo.com's weekly Top 20 is a great resource. Don't be afraid of traveling solo or of going to places off the beaten path. It's very much worth it in the end :-)
New York, Spain, Paris, Morocco (India and Southeast Asia for sure once I get there!)
TravelZoo.com, DailyCandy.com Top digital destination?
Wow, your post came out wonderfully! Thank you so much for considering me for your blog, it's really beautiful with a wealth of interesting design and travel topics. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDelete(And I have only now realized how many exclamation points I use, must keep to a minimum, lol)
ReplyDeleteYeh it all worked out so perfectly, especially after pinching some of your ethnicy images! Thanks again for answering the questions. Would be grateful if you could share the post on twitter etc.
Happy travels!
done! FB and Twitter